Earned Schedule   Earned Schedule - An extension to Earned Value Management

The two historical articles below are made available by the College of Performance Management and Mr. Gary Humphreys. These re-published articles have been taken from The Measurable News, 2016 Issue 1. The titles are linked to downloadable versions in .pdf format.

How it all Began: The Creation of Earned Value and the Evolution of C/SPCS and C/SCSC” by James B. Morin
EVMS-After the Evolution: The Long Slow Road” by Gary C. Humphreys





Introductory Video
Concept Description
ES Terminology
ES Enhances EVM
EVM Time Forecasting
Training Sources
Sites of Interest
EVM - ES Tools
ES Book
ES Book (Translations)
ES Awards
Copyrights & Trademarks
PCA Interview
PC Podcast